Friday, August 20, 2010

The Dark Trade

The Dark Trade documentary has really shocked me out of my ignorant shadow I have been unconsciously hiding behind. This was an unbelievable documentary for me to watch. It was captivating to see the details as to how corrupt criminals can be while preying on the weak and underprivileged. I was mortified looking at the way some of the people were being smuggled in to these countries. How terrifying of a feeling seeing this as a last recourse in making your life better. I always thought of illicit behavior very minimal only viewing counterfeits such as purses, sunglasses, luggage etc. as a means of the most popular way of this type of elicitation. I would have never imagined just how far you can go into this and turn over billions of profit and revenue. This was such an eye-opening experience for me to see how countries were fully dependent on the one thing that is killing the moral aspect of their native land. You have to decide as a government do I stop this illegal activity that is causing war on my native ground? Or do I continue to let it happen because it produces more revenue for the country than anything else? Some country leader’s answers to this imposing question were to do both. You as a citizen could not possibly know who to believe and or where to turn to. It is an impossible battle that is still embodying many places in a way most people could not believe. Crazy thing is that it is wrapped up like a pretty package only to find out there is a bomb inside waiting to explode on the naïve. I am a better person having watched this film and will thrive on being a part of the solution and not the problem!

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